Are Black men in America under attack?
I’ve been watching the events unfold in Ferguson, the place where Michael Brown was killed and it’s hard as a black person on the ‘other side of the pond’ to ignore this…
Yesterday it was reported that another black man has been shot dead. Protest marches and civil unrest has now taken over the streets. It all makes me so sad and hurt to another young black man’s life taken this way. It’s making me think – Are Black men in America under attack? Are they seen as easy targets whose lives are worth nothing?
Our black men in the UK have their own problems in our society- stop and search, mental illness and high incarceration rates are something the UK still needs to deal with properly. But I’m am still wondering is the fate of African-American men a lot worse? What do you think?
This BBC video is a great look at some of the opinions on what’s going on…