Chadwick Boseman: Sadness at the death of our real life Hero
I don’t think the sadness we all feel over the death of Chadwick Boseman can ever be measured – I can’t imagine what his wife & family are going through and pray they have the strength, peace and space they need to grieve.
He showed us what it really means to stand strong and do excellent work, in the most difficult situations. So many lessons here for us all. When a celebrity dies, we often say they won’t be forgotten……until the next one comes along.
But we truly won’t forget him ’cause he transcended celebrity and all the fake c**p that comes with it. His work, depth and courage means he always will be our hero.
His passing has also reminded me not to moan about getting older; enjoy the grey hairs, enjoy the wrinkles – ’cause old age really is a privilege and a gift not granted to everyone, and especially not to someone like Chadwick, who deserved to enjoy that gift.
I found this video of him speaking at Howard University below – so, so powerful and worth listening to.
#RIPChadwickboseman #Wakandaforever #Afrowomanonline #Stayblessed