Dear Black women. Sometimes we just have to eat the ice-cream.
I don’t Blog about ice-cream often. In fact, you won’t find alot of it on Afrowoman Online – you’re most likely to find articles about smoothies ! But it’s become more important to me that wellness is looked at in different ways.
I love the topic of wellness and self-care. While I’m learning about the best ways to take care of myself, it’s also an education for me. I love a trip to the spa, massages and manicures. I have learned that you have to be proactive in looking after yourself. Doing these physical acts are a positive way to tell ourselves that we deserve good things in life.
But only doing these physical acts and not thinking about our mental and emotional health can mean that we are short changing ourselves. I often think that having the most perfect manicure won’t change what you feel inside, especially if you’re having a difficult time.
Why did I choose ice-cream?
Why did I decide to write this piece about ice-cream? First, who doesn’t like ice-cream 😀 Seriously, I found that sometimes taking a walk while eating some ice-cream, is one of the most simple things I can do. It’s the simplicity that helps with my state of calm. I’ve been having a difficult time recently and it’s this type of calm that stops my mind racing and I think clearly. You know the type of thinking that helps you to have perspective or make decisions without fear.

The simple and easy things
While buying ice-cream is a ‘physical’ act, I hope you get my point – this is about, what simple and easy thing can you do to help your wellbeing. It doesn’t have to be big, exciting or you don’t have to tell everyone. Just something that’s good for you. If you don’t know where to start, here’s my tips to help you start:
- Think about what the issue or problem is – can you identify it or is it multiple issues. Write them down because it’s only when you identify them that you can move towards clarity.
- While you may be struggling to identify what’s bugging you, you can think about all the tools available to help. This might seem like I’m jumping the gun – looking at solutions before the problem is identified. But I have found that just knowing I am supported, loved and my life is valuable gives me hope. For me, my belief in God, provides the anchor that no matter what happens I will come through any difficulty.
- Can you take time to sit and think it through or write it down? One of the things when we feel tired and weighed down is that we often think we don’t have time to address our problems. We think it has to be done now. So ask yourself, can I take some time now to go over it?
So, are you going to eat the ‘ice-cream’ or do you have something else you are planning to do? If you haven’t thought about it, I hope this Blog helps you to start thinking about it 🙂 Stay Blessed.
#Afrowomanonline #Blackwomenshealth #Wellnesswednesday