Dear Black Women – Spring is our renewal time
Dear Black women How are you? I spotted this tree the other day and it reminded me why I love Spring and Easter. Few months ago tree was so bare but look at it now – blooming in beauty. This a time that reminds me that whenever we have life we can start again too.
Spring and Easter
Like a lot of believers in Jesus, knowing that Christ rose from the grave gives me a hope and a peace I cannot explain. Having this faith tells me to never give up on the Blessed life I deserve to have.
Your time to start again

Whoever you are and whatever you might be dealing with – small or big problems- you can start again. Whether or not you believe in the Resurrection/God, I hope this video is your reminder that you can start again to have the Blessed life you deserve too.
This is your time for renewal. I hope you have a lot of positive things planned and will enjoy your journey too.
Happy Easter to you 🙂
#Afrowomanonline #Blackwomen