Dear Black Women – What’s your Vision for your 2025?

Black woman Vision

Please remember – Without vision people perish:

Hello Ladies – I hope your new year has started well. I have a question for you – what’s your vision for your 2025?

I was thinking about my To-do list. You know how long it gets when you’re a woman who has alot to do! ha ha But I thought about my goals, habits, routines – how that all affects whether my plans happen or not.

Words from scripture to support my planning & vision

This Bible verse came to my mind:

Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” Habakkuk 2:2

So the advice I’m giving myself and I give to you is to:

Write your plans, goals and dreams. Whatever you want to aim for – write it as plainly as you can. Create your vision board around it. Say a prayer as you do all of this. Step out in faith as you do it and don’t stop praying as you go.

photo of woman posing while looking away
Photo by nappy on

It made me think about all the plans or things I’ve wanted that never succeeded or happened because I had no vision. Sometimes I didn’t spend the time to think it though or even write it down. It made me think of another Bible verse:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Proverbs 29:18

2025 – The year to re-start planning & purpose

So, for me 2025 means going back to my planning and asking myself, does it align with God? Will it help me achieve my God Blessed purpose?

Go get your goals and plans and above all, get your vision and take it to God. For when God’s hand is on your plans then your vision will be truly Blessed.

Wishing you a Blessed, peaceful and abundant 2025 🙂

#Afrowomanonline #Blackwomen #Blackwomensgoals #Purpose #Godblessedpurpose

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