How do we show positive images of us in society?
Why seeing more images of 'us' really does matter
We know that despite the great progress made by black people in the UK, we still need to show those positive images of ourselves – to elevate who we are and how we are seen by mainstream media and those in authority etc.
My online magazine and Blog is the place to empower and elevate black women building their best lives; we know we still have work to elevate our image in society today.
It’s more than image – what’s under the surface?
Don’t get me wrong – I don’t believe that life is all about image; no, it’s also what happens below the surface that matters. It’s below the surface that really affects our ‘image’ in society. What do I mean by below the surface?
- The positions that black people take in society – whether it’s the CEO (female I hope!), the teacher, working in retail or raising your children well. Everything we are doing in these areas is affecting how we are seen in society.
- How we handle those set-backs that are trying to keep us down – whether it’s the racist shop assistant who doesn’t serve you well or being afraid to speak up at work because you might be labelled the ‘angry black woman’ – being able to rise above these negative situations is a big part of how we progress.
- This is something I call ‘Thrive & Strive’ – to be the best in every area of our lives – health, finances, relationships – those things that mean we are building the best lives, no matter what happens and will give us the positive ‘visibility’ we deserve in society.
This is one of my main reasons for creating Afrowoman Online – the platform and place to celebrate every positive thing we are and do not see in main stream media. This is one of my reasons for creating content to elevate and empower ourselves to build our best lives.
So, do you think you ‘see’ enough of us in society – on tv, in the media or across different professions? Tell me below – what you think?