Liam Neeson in racism storm after admitting he wanted to kill a black man
Liam Neeson’s commets about wanting to ‘kill a black man’ left me feeling a mix of angry & tired – sometimes being black is ‘exhausting’ ??. Sometimes it feels like us black people are always under attack or having to fight back about something- sometimes this makes me tired
A target on Black Men
I would never try to make excuses for the rapist or trivialise what the victim went through/has to live with this- But Liam’s comments are so dangerous- These words could encourage other ‘angry’ white men to pick fights with/murder innocent black men. It’s like he’s put a ‘target’ on black men.
Our sons, brothers, husbands….
We have to remind society that our black men are our sons, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, fathers, nephews, grandsons – a lot of them are decent human beings who contribute to society in the same way that a lot of white men are decent and contribute too.
Perhaps Liam is sincerely sorry or perhaps he just wanted to promote his new film but black men are not here to be hunted like animals.