My Saturday start: A new smoothie recipe


Soya milk + raspberries + banana + coconut water + flaxseeds =A smoothie that’s ‘My Saturday start’.

No spinach because I forgot to buy some ? How’s your weekend started?

Black women’s wellbeing

I’ve been blogging recently about black women’s wellbeing. I’m going to keep on nagging you and saying it! Haha

I know from my own experience that when I’m worn out, at the end of my tether or feeling like I just don’t have the energy, I know that something in my wellbeing has slipped. Juggling so many priorities, squeezing too much into our days means that putting ourselves first isn’t always at the top of the list. Again, we must make time for those things that are good for our emotional, mental & physical health- always.

Smoothie time

So I started today with Soya milk + raspberries + banana + coconut water + flaxseeds. It was a bit last minute but feels good to have something filling but light in my stomach for now…

It’s a small thing to start with and sometimes that’s the best way – small things that make us feel better and keep nudging us to do more and better for our emotional, mental & physical health- always.




#Afrowomanonline #Wellbeingmatters

#Blackwomen #Blackwomenshealth #Thrive&Strive2018

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