Sometimes we need to turn down the noise

The sea

Dear Black Women, I recently took a holiday and while listening to the sea, it made me think about the noise of life. What do I mean by noise? When we think about it, we all experience different types of noise. This can range from the chatter of negative people or watching news reports all day, every day. When it comes to social media, scrolling through pictures of people’s ‘perfect lives’ is a whole load of noise on another level.

While I was enjoying the beach, I realised how much the sound of the sea is a noise that helps to clear my head. It give me a sense of peace and brings perspective. So, when I returned home, this is noise that helped to bring me some clarity on projects I need to pick up or not continue working on. It felt good to have a refreshed mindset.

What types of noise are you dealing with?

Whatever you’re dealing with right now, what types of noise do you have in your life? If you can’t take a holiday, I hope you can find a way to take some time out. Whether that’s to go for a walk or take a bath – whatever gives you some alone time and space. Think about what will bring you clarity in every area of your life.

The beach

Do whatever you need to do to help you to turn down the noise and replace any noise in your life.

While you’re working it out, feel free to listen to the sea in my video. I hope this noise holds a positive space for you too.

Stay Blessed & Healthy 🙂

#Afrowomanonline #Blackwomenshealth #Wellness #Mentalhealth

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