Taking Care of Her Business: Full Video Interviews


Jacqueline A.Hinds – Emotional Intelligence Coach and Leadership Coach MA (HRD) CEIC MCIPD

After building a sold career path in IT and training, Jacqueline went on to create her own business as an Emotional Intelligence Coach. During the interview she talks about the “importance of being able to forgive before moving forward” and knowing “when your aspirations are waiting for you”.

Us women know what it’s like to sometimes feel like we’re not good enough. Jacqueline also has a few tips to help you remember “that you are good enough!”. Watch the interview below:




Flo Awolaja – Creative Entrepreneur and Graphic Designer and creative entrepreneur

Watch Flo talk about her transition from Graphic Designer to small business owner. She’s done a lot of juggling – being a mother, working full-time and keeping her ‘side-hustle’ going.

While she’s kept her creative spirit and talents alive, Flo talks about why it’s important to “build your confidence and grow into yourself” to create and build your business. Watch the interview below:




Dianne Greyson – Director of Equilibrium Mediation Consulting.

Her passion for working with people has been a constant throughout Dianne’s career. Starting out in HR and recruitment, while studying gave her the experience to start her HR Consultancy and Mediation business. Dianne talks about something a lot of us have been through – “being the only black person in the department” and this “must not be the norm”.

With a strong passion for Equality and Diversity, she talks about why Diversity is more than just a word and why we must be included in the conversation.  Watch the interview below:



Want to watch each video on social media?  Follow the links below:

#Takingcareofherbusiness  #Afrowomanonline  #Thrive&Strive  #Blackwomenrising


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