We need some Peace this Christmas…
How are you doing Black women ? I hope you are taking time this weekend for some RnR. Christmas is coming and it can bring so much chaos and stress. From the racism we still suffer, pressures at work, family commitments, rising cost of living and never-ending to-do lists – it’s easy to forget it’s supposed to be a time of joy and peace!
Peace to stop seasonal stress
Sometimes it’s easier said than done but don’t let any of the seasonal stresses mean that you put yourself last. Breathe, take that walk or get the manicure. Get whatever you need that’s good for you at this time.
Whatever you’re doing in the days heading towards Christmas, I hope you have the time and space to enjoy some rest and fun. Above all, I wish you peace and if like me you believe in and follow Christ, I hope you will enjoy celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace.
p.s. I had to dig out one of my favourite Christmas songs from Mariah Carey – see below
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