Why Kanye West disrespects Black People when he uses the ‘N’ word
Did anyone watch Kanye West at Glastonbury? Yeah the reviews were mixed and depending on your opinion, he entertained us! But his repeated use of the word N***er still concerns me….
I know the ‘N’ word has played a large part in the rap industry and their music- I’m not naive. But Kanye repeatedly used the word throughout his performance and I’m still trying to work out how he can do this, especially with the latest shooting in America in Charleston. Kanye is always vocal about the ‘struggles’ of being black and the trials of the black man. So how can he think that using this word will help the ordinary black man on the street?
We know that this word is derogatory, racist, demeaning and is a word that originates from a time when black people were slaves and treated like nothing, by white slave masters. But the young white people who sing his songs and are encouraged to use the ‘N’ word don’t know this history and will think it’s ok to use it liberally – whether they are racist or not!
Again, how does this help us ordinary black people, who might be racially abused at work or in the street? Kanye has bodyguards which means he is ‘insulated’Â from hearing this word (especially when his bodyguards won’t let anyone say it!) so he doesn’t have to worry about having it ‘spat’ in his face! When he and other rappers continue to use this word so ‘easily’, they disrepect all black people globally, are taking any fights for equality backwards and encourage other races to think it’s ok to abuse us as well.
Something that runs deeper is – that when black people use the ‘N’ word, we disrespect ourselves and eachother – so if we think it’s ok to speak negatively about our race, then why shouldn’t white people and any other races do it too. Kanye and other rappers have a responsibility, especially to the young black men whose lives they can influence. They have to set an example to support and encourage young black men to have better lives in the future. Come on Kanye (and you other rappers) you have a responsibility to support and uplift your race – Stop doing this to us!
I usually like to share videos but I haven’t published him using the ‘N’ word – sorry try watching it on Youtube!